Mining the Future: Tersa Earth's Breakthrough Technology Attracts Investor Attention Amidst Climate Tech Boom

In an era where venture capitalists are increasingly drawn to the mining sector, Tersa Earth Innovations Inc. stands out as a beacon of innovation and environmental stewardship.

The Canadian biotech firm, with its patented TersaClean system, is pioneering a technology that transforms environmental risks into high-value assets, aligning perfectly with the current investor enthusiasm for climate tech solutions in traditional industries.

A Paradigm Shift in Mining and Remediation

Tersa's technology is a game-changer for an industry under pressure to evolve. As the global economy gears up for a net-zero future, the demand for critical minerals is surging. The International Energy Agency estimates a sixfold increase in mineral inputs by 2040, a target that cannot be met by traditional mining practices alone.

Tersa's innovative approach to remediate mining waste and recover essential metals for electrification is a direct response to this challenge, offering a carbon-neutral solution that reduces the carbon footprint of mining operations and unlocks untapped asset value.

Pitchbook, which caters to tech investors, took note of this emerging trend in an August article where it argued that surge of investment interest into mining tech startups is poised to disrupt “a quintessential legacy industry, controlled by a small cohort of entrenched, highly emitting companies.”

Pitchbook noted that fledgling companies have struggled to overcome the high costs required to disrupt traditional extractive technologies, so it's no wonder that venture investors have historically steered clear of the industry. Yet, enticed by new innovations, VCs are recognizing the widely acknowledged need for more critical minerals to power the energy transition, from the lithium in electric vehicle batteries to the copper needed to upgrade the electric grid.

The Pitchbook reported noted that the International Energy Agency estimates that the global economy will require six times more mineral inputs in 2040 than today in order to reach the global goal of net zero by 2050. And it pointed to a string of investments making the case that something is happening amon investors. In August, TechMet, an investment vehicle for lithium, nickel and other rare metals, raised $200 million in fresh equity from investors including S2G Ventures and Lansdowne Partners, nearly bringing it to unicorn status. Bill Gates' Breakthrough Energy Ventures has backed KoBold Metals, which uses machine learning to more efficiently identify deposits of rare-earth metals. KoBold raised $195 million in June at a $1 billion valuation. (Tersa co-ounder Vikramaditya Yadav’s earlier mining wastewater treatment startup Metabolik was acquired by Gates-backed Allonnia in 2021.)

From Environmental Liabilities to High-Value Assets

The potential of Tersa's technology extends far beyond its current 14-employee operation in Burnaby, British Columbia. With the global mining industry facing an estimated 9,000 tailings ponds, Tersa's approach could revolutionize the way these environmental liabilities are viewed. In Canada alone, the opportunity to recover energy metals and critical minerals is estimated at $10 billion a year, presenting a significant market for Tersa's solutions.

Strategic Growth and Investment Opportunity

As Tersa transitions from Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 5 to 6 and embarks on pilot stage development, it represents a strategic investment opportunity. The company's collaboration with key industry partners to commercialize its technology within the next 2-3 years could redefine the mining sector. This progress is particularly compelling given the current investment climate, where VC funding in mining companies has already surpassed last year's figures.

Investor Confidence Backed by Solid Analysis

Tersa's detailed technoeconomic analysis (TEA) and financial models provide a clear picture of the commercial viability of their technology. For potential and current investors, this level of transparency and foresight is reassuring, especially in a market where regulatory landscapes are rapidly evolving and environmental sustainability is becoming a non-negotiable aspect of mining operations.

A Climate Tech Investment with National Security Implications

The urgency of securing a domestic supply of critical minerals has elevated companies like Tersa to the level of national security contributors. With China's dominance in the lithium supply chain, Tersa's technology offers a promising alternative for nations seeking to bolster their mineral independence. This aspect of Tersa's business model cannot be overstated, as it aligns with government interests and could potentially open doors to public funding and support.

Nations increasingly view access to critical minerals as a top national security priority. Last year, the US government's development bank invested $30 million in TechMet and expects to invest a further $80 million this year. Aether, a startup developing technology that requires less extractive techniques for mining lithium on US soil, recently announced a $49 million Series A led by Natural Capital and Unless.

"The critical minerals are all about bifurcation with China," says Katie Rae, managing partner at The Engine, a venture firm launched from MIT that invests in early-stage startups. "There's vulnerability if you don't control the supply chain, period, end of story. That's why it is a big deal," she told Pitchbook.

The surge in VC interest in mining deals suggests a ripe environment for Tersa's growth and expansion. For investors, Tersa offers a compelling proposition: a chance to participate in a high-impact opportunity that promises environmental sustainability and significant asset recovery. As the company stands on the cusp of pilot stage development, the timing for investment is opportune, echoing the broader VC excitement for mining technologies that cater to a greener future. In conclusion, Tersa's investors are at the forefront of a transformative journey.

With a clear vision, a patented technology, and a market that is increasingly supportive of sustainable mining practices, Tersa is not just mining minerals; it's mining the potential for a more sustainable and secure world.


Tersa Earth Partners with Wet’suwet’en First Nation to Advance Sustainable Economic Growth


Glen Clark, business leader and former Premier of British Columbia, joins Board of Tersa Earth Innovations Inc.